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MEN: Family Prayer for Men

Updated: Dec 11, 2023

Dear Jesus, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

We want to lift our families to you. Forgive us Lord, for we have become a throw away society. When we get tired of something or when things get tough, we toss whatever it is aside and leave it where it lays; unfortunately even with our families. Please Lord, help us not to throw away our families BUT to fight for them.

Lord, I know it breaks your heart that half of our families end up in divorce, even in the church. Lord, how can that be? Marriages in the church should be the strongest marriages on the planet and be a model of what marriages should be like to the world. Forgive us Lord. We need to build our marriages on you, the solid rock.

Lord, You created the first family and we know who showed up right after that. Satan - and he hates families. Whatever You create Lord, Satan hates. We know the lier and deceiver will do anything to destroy our marriages and our families. John 10: 10 says “Satan has come to kill, steal and destroy but I have come to give you life and to have it in abundance.” Lord, we are here tonight to pray against any attacks from the evil one and pray for your abundance in our lives and in our families. We don’t want our families to just survive, - but to thrive.

Lord, our Number One relationship needs to be our vertical relationship with You. And then let You guide and direct our horizontal relationships with our spouse and our children first and then all other relationships should follow.

Unfortunately Lord, it seems like we get this messed up. We put our jobs, hobbies or activities ahead of You and our families. Forgive us Lord and help us to get our relationships in the right order.

I pray for all men, husbands and fathers. God, you created the first man, Adam, who also was the first husband and first father. You made him the head of the household. Ever since then, Satan has had men in his crosshairs. He wants to take us as men out. The bible says satan is roaming the earth looking for any man to devour. Lord, we come against satan and his attacks right now. He has no part of us as men, husbands and fathers.

For those men who are married, please encourage us as men to be the spiritual heads in our households. Help us to take the initiative to pray with and for our wives and our children. Let us not take this lightly. Help us to remember, families that prays together - stay together.

Lord, we lift up our wives to you. Help us to love them as You love your bride the church and gave yourself up for her. Help us to sacrifice our lives - for our wives. You tell us to know our wives in an understanding way. Help us to be students of our wives, studying them and knowing them and most of all - listening to them.

Lord, help us to tune up our marriages. We tune up our cars every 3-5,000 miles but we don’t even take the time to tune up our marriages. Help us to carve out time to date our wives, attend a marriage conference or anything that will keep the fire of romance in our marriages burning hot. Men, can I get an amen?

As men, our words hold great power. Your word says our tongue is like a small rudder that can move a large ship. Help us to use our words to move and build up our wives and our children. Ephesians 4:29 says “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Help our words to be like gifts of love that when we speak; we lift, encourage and build up our family. Lord, help our words be more like a Silver Boxes with a Bow on top to bless rather than a stick of dynamite that destroys.

Help us to be intentional about putting positive deposits into our wives and children’s emotional bank accounts daily. Forgive us for being critical and picky which can be a negative withdrawal in their emotional bank account. Help us to think before we speak. Help us to always look for the good and then let them know about it. Lord, help us to man up and say we are sorry and ask for forgiveness to our wives and our children when we mess up. Help us to show humility.

Our children and our spouse spell Love-TIME. Lord, help us to show love to our wives and our children by giving them the gift of our time. Help our homes to be safe havens where our family can feel safe, loved and secure. Help us to realize that our lack of involvement in our wive’s and children’s lives sends a message that they are unloved - and unwanted. Lord, help us keep our radars up and always looking for opportunities to connect with them.

Lord, as dad’s, help us model to our son’s what a Godly man looks like. To our daughters, through our actions and our words, help us to model how a man treats a woman.

Lord, I pray that You lift up those who have blended families. Please give those men the patience, grace, love and understanding to love and lead their family. It’s not always easy but you tell us that ‘nothing is impossible with You’. So we are leaning on you, Lord.

Lord, I pray for all of the single men. If it be your will, please go ahead of them and help them find a Godly mate and prepare them for the possibility of a family some day.

Lord hear our prayers. Protect us as men and protect our families. Help us to never, ever, ever give up or give in. We pray this in the name that is above every other name, in the name of Jesus we pray, and all the mighty men of God said,


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